A piece of me...
28 June
What is your aspiration in life?
Hi everybody! How are you? How is your summer? Do you enjoy this time?
As for me, I like summer only because I have holiday. So I really like doing nothing. I just relax and get pleasure in this time. I can do a lot of things and it is not to study. I can watch films, series. I can read books. I can go for a walk. I can do everything what I want. And it's cool.
But I didn't want to talk about it.
Honestly, I like to speak on philosophical topics, for example, what is your aspiration in life? This question makes you wonder. Can you write me what is your aspiration in life? And then I will write about mine. Please, don't ignore me.



7 years ago

сразу думается о фонетической аспирации, чертова фонетика)

7 years ago

Frankly speaking, phonetics is really both my aspiration and inspiration) This subject is what really helped me to stay at my university after doing some constructive thinking)
2 years ago I wanted to change my speciality but then I realized that there was no point in it)